In 2016, When Donald Trump won the US presidential election 2016; the first statement from him was “The main role of this victory was Social Media” Not even Donald trump, but Google also said Trump “won the election in search”. Due to the controversial lifestyle of Trump and the popularity of him in the TV show ‘The Apprentice’ Trump was always hold presence in social media. When Donald Trump won the presidential election nobody had though that his digital marketing presence could be so compelling that can win him. In the last article we have discussed about How to engage with Voters during Political Campaigns? Here is case study of Donald Trump which represent how he engaged with electoral though outreach marketing campaign.
Undoubtedly, this politician used very well this strategy, to position himself in the mind of the electorate. In that sense, it was observed that the creation of great moments focuses on the personality of the candidate. All this, because in the last campaign developed between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this strategy was used by both candidates.
However, the strategy used by the uncommon candidate for the presidency of the United States was more attached to the guidelines suggested in this EBook, since it could generate an important asset in the electorate in the management of discontent as a determining factor for the final decision of the electorate.
In this sense, the candidate created a figure called "rally’s", which presented the candidate in public events and allowed a greater generation of traffic in the networks and focuses of attention in the public opinion, since they carried out a communication mouth to Mouth about the upcoming events that he was going to give throughout the country. This type of events has allowed him to have a great expectation throughout the whole campaign.
Instead, Hillary Clinton used this figure was to introduce certain influencers that allowed her to push certain positives for the campaign. Nevertheless, as has been said before, this strategy does not correspond to the personality of the candidate, led people to think "movie stars do not live as I live, so they do not feel what I feel”.
In this sense, good advice in this area will allow you to have a direct approach in achieving the objectives of your political campaign, which will be a guaranteed success if everything is in accordance with your personality, your plan and your campaign messages.
Finally, this point is important because this strategy works for all candidates. According to the ABC newspaper, Trump's campaign through this strategy helped it increase voter turnout by 5% per month, having a big impact at the end of the political campaign process.
Many not only believed that Donald Trump would never win the presidency of the United States of America but also thought that the margin of the expected victory of his rival Hillary Clinton was how he finally closed the count, that is, 306 to 232.
Trump also said many incendiary things during the campaign that generated to his person a very big collective animosity and frankly. Now that he is already virtual president-elect, will be formally next Monday, December 19, when the delegates elected by the citizenship in the past Tuesday, November 8, that compose the so-called Great Electoral College of 538 voters express their vote according to the mandate received at the polls by citizens.
His ability to become a Republican candidate and now president-elect of his country compels politicians in Washington not to underestimate him as they did during the campaign.
For all this, the creation of great moments is fundamental to have a perspective on each of the aspects to be developed in the political message and in the final proposal that will give you a boost to be a 2.0 candidate.
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